Constantin Brancusi's Birthday

Spotted in: Afghanistan, South Africa, etc. 
Date: 20/02/2011
Description: Constantin Brancusi's 135th Birthday
Summary: Another review on the doodle of C. Brancusi's 135th birthday

A Romanian nationality, he was a famous sculptor, raised in Hobita, Romania, near Targu Jiu, near to the area famous for its woodcarving in Carpathian's Mountain. Came from a poor-family, he start working at the age of nine and later at 18, his employer financed his passion to study in woodworking at School of Crafts, Craiova. He later graduated in 1898 with honors. He has since then, established himself among the talented sculptor among the community of artists and has traveled to Munich and later Paris where he spent his life until the end. It was in Paris where he was well received. His works are popular in France, Romania and United States. Among his notably works are, Sleeping Muse, Bird in Space and the Kiss.

The doodle which is released by Google on the 19th of February 2011, is a tribute to his 135th anniversary. It is courtesy of ARS New York and ADAGP Paris. It is clearly seen that the doddle is designed from the famous sculpture of Constantin.
The famous sculptures of him which are featured in the doodle are:

The Newborn

Sleeping Muse

Mademoiselle Pogany

Bird in Space

The Kiss


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